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What does psychology have to do with marketing?

Everything. When the market is flooded with content and advertisements of different industries promoting the same product, one needs to get in the mind of consumers to get their attention. Audiences’ emotions have much to do with how well your ads perform. A deeper look at social media psychology is important from time to time for effective digital marketing, which can be rewarding in terms of increased engagements, more shares, and a healthy amount of positive customer interactions.

The Happiness project
If anything has been said about happiness and getting people together, the same applies to social media. Human emotions have a huge impact on social media psychology and how they help spread content across social media. Therefore the aim is to get consumers hooked on your content and familiar with your tone which makes it easy to build a lasting following.

What to do?

Break the monotony! Refresh your posts with funny quirky and unusual content. Play with motivational language, some powerful and unexpected call to actions if you want your audience to react. Get them to stay engaged and reading your content through a fun and friendly tone. It’s a good idea to play with your words and take steps to break the boringness and predictability.

Positive posts get more shares
Psychological Science journal published by Association for Psychological Science, says that an emotional response increases the chance of a message being shared. Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania found that emotion-inducing content was found to bring a greater impact on the audience and even more for more positive content. Humor too is a great trigger.

What to do?

Positive impact posts that elevate the mood can work wonders in social media. Allot a couple of posts to make people smile or crack up.

Make it all about the audience
We love to talk about ourselves, that’s a known fact. Plunging to science again and Harvard neuroscientists have proven that humans can’t help themselves but share our thoughts. It is even said that it triggers the same sensations of pleasure in the brain as does food and money.

What to do?

Sometimes stop talking about the product you are marketing, talk about the audience, their opinions and their perspective. Pose questions directed at them and pander to the things they love the most Words like ‘we’re’ and ‘our’ instead of ‘you’ and ‘your’ can be a good start.

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