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5 ways to get more out of Facebook advertising

Facebook has emerged as a humungous social media platform with 2.5 billion and counting user base. With such huge following, it is a hotbed for advertisements and an excellent space to be seen, recognized and to build a customer base to boost your business. Even if you are still running ads for your products there are chances you are missing out on the fine details that make your ad stand out and perform exceptionally. We discuss some key strategies and pointers to lead the way for your ads.

1. Multi-Product Advertising
This kind of advertising helps you display a variety of your products in a single ad. This has several advantages compared to single product. It gives the customer a wider sense of the product range and makes it more likely for him to click on the ad. Chances are higher that a customer is attracted to any one of the products if not more, than seeing a single product. This type of ads boosts conversions by giving options to the consumer. It is seen that multi-product ads run by companies have yielded 300% more click-through-rates than conventional.

2. Retargeting Campaign
If you have ever been on an e-commerce site shopping, you know that you leave a majority of items left in the cart. The same thing happens with your customers too. Specifically, 72% of the online shoppers end up letting go off their cart without purchase. That is opportunities lost on your ads. If you can retarget your campaigns to go with your customer base, about 25% of the customers are seen to come back and make a purchase. Retarget with coupons, discounts and offers. Since the customers were already interested in the product, you just need to push them over the fence for the sale.

3. Creative catch
Catch phrases, bold colors and sometimes a black and white filter can work wonders for the type of project that you are working with. Depending on industry, there are phrases that give a high click-through rate. ‘Foods that naturally…’ sells well for food and dietician brands with 85% increase in CTR. For sports and athletics, ‘Ranking the Greatest ‘can generate a 61% higher CTR.‘Try not to’ or negative statements can also drive CTR better than those without.Black and white images drive more interest in general especially for education, deliver higher CTRs than colored filters and has been proved to boost CTR by 45%. Also omitting people from educational business ads can yield better CTR of almost 21% increase.

4. Video Advertisements
If you are advertising on Facebook, you should know that Facebook prioritizes video content. Meaning your ads would show up more if they were a video than image on the feed of your potential clients. Videos also have the advantage of being more engaging with users. Since Facebook videos play instantly as you scroll, it can grab attention easier.

5. Offers galore
There’s nothing that customers enjoy like promotions, offer or even better discounts. If you are selling a product, maybe slash the prices to attract customers or begin an offer that runs for the season. Keep customers interested by rebating prices or offering lower rates on bulk products. If you are a service provider, the same applies to you too where you can bring down the rates on a couple of services that you would like to promote.

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