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The Era of LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a social network that has been around since 2003. By and large, it has functioned as a professional networking platform, but the platform is now fast becoming a favored marketing medium especially when communication is involved in enthralling B2B audience. Over the years, LinkedIn has evolved and brought in new features to attract a valuable crowd. At present, the medium claims it has ‘inclusivity and accessibility at its core. The success of LinkedIn lies in the fact that while people scroll through Instagram and Facebook as an activity of leisure or hobby, they spend time on LinkedIn with serious intents such as growing their network, scouting suitable candidates for a position, understanding the industry insights, etc. The platform has over 700 million active users and they mean business especially when they claim 3 persons are hired via this platform every single minute. This channel has been a frontrunner in creating trusted communities and clouts.

LinkedIn changed its look and feel, to stay relevant in changing times. The pandemic saw an era of great reshuffle where companies and employees redefined the idea of work and LinkedIn became an ever more valuable network rising up to new demands and challenges. Here is how LinkedIn catered to businesses and individuals while introducing many new features.

  1. Ephemeral Content

LinkedIn jumped onto the bandwagon of stories. Content that disappears after 24 hours has now become a part and parcel of LinkedIn. But unlike other social media networks, the content posted is highly professional in nature without any traces of frivolity.

  1. Open to work/Network

LinkedIn introduced photo frames that can make an individual stand out from the crowd, especially to a recruiter. LinkedIn also brought in options to customize profiles with banners and summaries to let the user put their best foot forward.

  1. In Mail

LinkedIn’s trusted messaging service which is safe and has options for customisation. This is a great way to reach a person who may or may not be a direct connection. Many recruiters use this feature to reach out to potential candidates.

  1. A surge in video content /Live Video

Like most other social media platforms, video content infiltrated LinkedIn too. Earlier the platform had a plethora of links to third-party websites alongside regular content, but now engaging videos are preferred over them. The platform also facilitates live video sessions where people or brands can engage in real-time with their viewers.

  1. Video Calls

This feature has the perfect timing of entry, where people are colluding via google meets and zoom, an option to video call makes the communication seamless. Users can engage in face-to-face video calls via Microsoft Teams, Verizon, or Zoom.

  1. Search Options

LinkedIn is widening its scope of ‘searching abilities’ where people can now search for, individuals, communities, content, and even events.

  1. Organic Carousels

LinkedIn documents can be viewed in scrollable carousel format which can pique the interest of readers ensuring increased engagement.

  1. LinkedIn Influencer

The platform has a unique influencer program limited to 500 people which is invites-only, where the thought leaders of the industry are invited to put out content that can benefit laymen in a way making their acumen accessible to the masses. Bill Gates, Richard Branson, etc are all a part of this elite group. Lately, the platform has witnessed a rise in conventional micro and nano influencers who are emerging thought leaders in their respective niches.

  1. LinkedIn Showcase Pages

A brand can have an add-on page/page that features special products or initiatives where it can broadcast noteworthy content appealing to different buyer groups.

Editing and deleting sent messages, emojis to react to messages and contents, LinkedIn polls, name pronunciation feature where one can record the correct pronunciation of their name to help others have correct diction, inviting new people to group conversations are all exciting features doled out by LinkedIn as it is moving steadily to hit 1billion users benchmark.

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The gifting culture for the V-Day has shifted to buying experiences than things, to enjoy together with loved ones. An interesting find by mobile commerce optimization platform Button, says many consumers look for gifts immediately before lunch and during the afternoon as a pick-me-up activity. Last-minute shopping sees a surge too especially during the late nights with an average spending of $41. Advertisers could latch on to this heightened traffic with personalized offers to peak sales on special days.

Farmgirl Flowers’ Social media tweak takes the cake.

What if a floral company targeted men on Valentine ’s Day? It would be perfect since men are the majority buying flowers for their women. That’s exactly what Farmgirl Flowers did, shifting their strategy to hit men over the conventional target, women. Valentine’s Day being one of the biggest days of the year for florists, they roped in a dramatic change in their marketing tactics which was highly rewarding.

Dominos’ new personalized Ad campaign

Returns have climbed tenfold for the Pizza giant who changed up their game with the mantra of ‘outsmart rather than outspend’ which yielded the company’s latest initiative to be insanely successful. The company has been digging into big data with Talend’s big data integration platform roped in for the backend work to integrate the company’s data to display highly personalized ads for consumers. A recent personalized display campaign in the UK generated a bumper 10:1 return on spend. The trick was to identify and reach the right consumers at scale.

Influencer shift to video content

The number of videos being created and shared on social platforms has increased manifold in recent years. Instagram took the cue and shifted its focus to video with IG Stories feature – and YouTube too brought out Stories option for live content. The advantage with video content is that it achieves higher engagement which is in turn favored by the algorithm, which means more penetration to the audience. Also, video helps them build a stronger bond with followers. Brands should follow suit here with 72% of customers preferring to learn about a through video.

Facebook has a new Page Management History Tool

Matt Navarra recently put forward a new feature for Facebook Pages by the name of “Page Management History.” The tool is beneficial for Pages managed by multiple individuals, as it shows every single action made on and by your Page, when the actions were taken, and by whom it was. This helps companies evaluate and monitor employee interaction with customers and engagement on social media. All this you can get in a glance with this particular tool. The tool is found in the “Settings” tab, with the title “Page Management History”.

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Facebook Dynamic Ads is scaling up
Dynamic ads are now bumped up with machine learning to make customized users’ experience on a larger scale. This results in delivering a specific ad to different users based on their activity or preferences. By combining data, signals, and insights from Facebook and advertisers, dynamic Ads deliver content in different formats based on users’ behaviour.

A new logo for Facebook
Next time you are on Facebook and see a slightly different logo don’t freak out. Facebook has changed its corporate logo, but it won’t affect the old blue “F” appearing on your apps. The new logo may make its appearance on login screens of Instagram and WhatsApp, slightly tinted to match the respective brands.

Meet IGTV “series”
Organize your IGTV videos as a video series with a title and theme now, as in Snapchat. You can label your videos so that users can easily find content buckets via playlist at the same time making it easier for creators to arrange content. An on-screen tab will also be there to help you opt to get episode notifications from your favourite accounts.

LinkedIn rewards ‘builders’
LinkedIn recently introduced a “contribution” objective to its feed algorithm which has an assigned objective. This translates to the fact that the network now rewards “builders” i.e., contributors who are the people that regularly share, comment and react to content. LinkedIn thus urges you to be an active member of your community and the new algorithm rewards people for getting more and regularly involved with the network.

Facebook rolling out in-app shopping ads
Like the massively popular in-shopping ads on Instagram, Facebook is also shifting paradigm with plans to introduce the same on the platform. Foreseeing a future where Facebook and shopping are synonymous, Facebook announced it is testing the new ad feature, namely an in-app checkout for dynamic ads that will allow you to turn organic shopping posts into ads. With the feature on Facebook and Instagram, it appears to be working towards creating a seamless online shopping experience for users.

It is Social Media time!

Join us on our socials to get to know us more and get updates on the industry’s latest buzz.

Want to work with us to build your brand? We are just a click away.
Drop us a call if you prefer to talk to us instead!
Mobile: 088483 49751

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Young leaders are partnering with social media for business expansion, mentoring and work management with LinkedIn and Whatsapp taking the cake. They say social media brings out a humane, authentic touch to the business. Social platforms bring forth the opportunity for leaders to broadcast their perspective as well as listen, connect and engage with individuals at an extensive scale.

Instagram Stories adds a new feature

Instagram is making a few changes these days with the speculation of ‘Likes’ count becoming invisible to the audience in the months to come. For now, Instagram did make a minor change that lets users save an image shot using the Instagram Stories camera to one week. Before, you could shoot a pic and keep it for as long as you want till you close the app. Now you can now save it for seven days and make it live any time before it gets expired. This is more convenient for creators, users and can be beneficial for brands to curate their content and post best Stories instead of random content.

YouTube’s NextUp launches three new editions to support upcoming Indian creators.

To bring in a new generation of creators and artists from India, YouTube is inviting entries for NextUp 2019 and is bringing three new editions NextUp for Artists, NextUp Women To Watch and NextUp for Gamers. The NextUp program gives creators an opportunity to be mentored by production and channel development experts and learn new production techniques to enhance their content. It opens the doors for creators to collaborate with other talented creators.

Digital is an indispensable medium for marketers and brands.

Influencer marketing is one of the most powerful tools of brand visibility today. Influencer marketing helps build a better presence, higher visibility and a connection with the audience. Authentic engagement rise due to original and real-life content brings forward an empathetic connects with the audience. The advantage of great ROI due to lower Investment for influencers over celebrities is an added benefit. Their fun, engaging and catchy ways add great value with less investment and great results.

PhonePe climbs to the 2nd most downloaded finance app position

Digital payments platforms are catching up fast as more people are shifting to cashless. A new study found that PhonePe, UPI app, was the second most downloaded app in the world in the finance category. PhonePe had above 4.7 million downloads in with the majority of the installs being from India at 99.4 per cent.