Optimizing your Google ADs by rightly tapping and aligning the potential of SEO and PPC disciplines helps you have an overall beneficial Google marketing experience. Let’s take a look at some of the common errors to steer clear of when it comes to online advertising.
Granted keywords do play a key role in taking your content forward but, too many keywords stuffed in a diffused and disorganised manner will have detrimental effects than launching your marketing strategy forward. The idea is to place the right keywords of a set tone and to stick to a particular theme throughout. Try and approach a specific range of keywords, targeting a specific category of audience rather than a broad category of both.
Most people stick to placing one AD per category and expect it to work wonders. Ideally, finding what AD works for you or your brand is purely a matter of trials, and inferences from the results of those trials. One proven way to increase the engagement with your advertisements is to carefully pack an emotional element to it. Your audience should be able to relate to it on an emotional level, thereby making them take an action on behalf of it.
Now that you have a well planned out content with the right keywords in it to place you on the map, an alluring advertisement that portrays what you can do for your clients clearly, the next and important step is to ensure you have implied the call to action explicitly. Be very specific and basic what you want your audience to do after getting their attention hooked to your marketing strategies. Tell them what is the next step as simply as possible.
Extensions are a great way to ensure your advertisements stand out amongst the competitors, within the limited space available. Extensions are pretty much those super useful snippets of information that can expand the utility of your ADs. Done rightly, this can launch your campaigns to meet your business goals perfectly.
These are our top tips to keep your AD campaigns run smoothly and derive desired results. A smart approach is essential here else you’ll be making Google more money than for your brand. At the end of the day, an advertisement is to get your figures soaring.