
Decoding marketing perspectives during covid 19

There hasn’t been any time in recent history where an event has made serious threats to the business. The global and national markets have taken a hit and millions of businesses are facing the test of time due to the Corona pandemic. Even if it perishes anytime soon (hopefully), the ripples of the situation will take time to settle down. Every marketer needs to face this as there is no other option, which indeed marks the importance of having an adaptive marketing strategy.

The thumb rule of marketing is to find opportunities in every crisis. In the case of Corona, every marketer fears to approach the situation just because the challenge is a new one. It has no past records or statistics to show how the market responded. They are cautiously approaching the tide because, in the end, all of them must prepare the business for longer hauls. So in the first place, we need to define what would be the possible challenges for marketers.

Surging online sales

  • Since public gatherings are not possible due to the virus threat, businesses, especially the B2B companies, are forced to cancel their trade shows, conferences, and other business events. Without these events, these firms will struggle to maintain and nurture customer relationships. Hence they will be forced to turn digital. However, the real challenge lies in the entry-level brands which need to establish themselves with the digital medium quickly. As a marketer how will you script the strategy for achieving this?

Marketing models

  • The main challenge, of course for the marketers is to facelift the ongoing marketing models. Either you can follow a mixed modeling approach or custom tailor something that keeps the business ticking. The customer patterns have changed and processes to access real-time data are pivotal for gaining insights. Hence, it’s time to modify the marketing models.

Customer mobility

  • Customer mobility has been taking a hit and hence the buying patterns and consumption habits will change. The productivity will slam down, the supply chains need to be evolved and everything needs to be foreseen while curating a marketing plan for the customer. Their consumption habits will evolve constantly, paving the way to the drastic changes in the strategies.

Based on these evolving changes in the marketing peripheral, let us see what will be some of the ideal shifts that will happen in and across the business world to cope with the pandemic.

  • More investments will be directed toward marketing tactics to drive online sales.
  • Reducing budget allocations for sales campaigns with longer durations and focusing on shorter business achievements.
  • Marketers are more likely to keep the brand campaigns live to streamline the market presence.
  • Making investments towards delivering your products and services to homes or other target social institutions.
  • Taking the spotlight away from the premium products and shifting the focus to entry-level or everyday essential products.
  • Plan to redeploy the budget that was allocated for large mass events like the Olympics since they were called off.
  • Changes in media supply and demand will force marketers to manage their spends more on the digital versions and reduce the spending areas on print mediums with new cost levels.
  • Track data in local geographies that are expected to witness varying levels of impacts due to the pandemic.
  • Using trends, social sentiments and google query volume on relevant keywords as indicators to inform valuable insights on marketing actions.
  • Building in quick response learnings to optimize marketing budgets and transfer learnings across markets.
  • Measurement of custom creative content addressing the virus, giving awareness about the measures and conveying the brand positioning in the issue.

While we have seen the possible shifts, now it’s time to fix the approach and objectives right. The all-time objective of marketing is pretty simple and defined. Brands need to retain their customer base, achieve more visibility in front of the target audience, keep their focus high on driving conversations and engaging audiences. Hence your approach and strategies should be constantly monitored, measured and moreover tested timely to understand the strategy patterns and how it is addressing the needs of the buyer in order to stay upright as a brand.

Corona has opened up a lot of new challenges for marketing your brand. At the same time, it has also opened up new opportunities to secure your brand. Get in touch with OnPageOne for getting expert marketing strategies that will help your brand stay ahead during these testing times.


5 ways to get more out of Facebook advertising

Facebook has emerged as a humungous social media platform with 2.5 billion and counting user base. With such huge following, it is a hotbed for advertisements and an excellent space to be seen, recognized and to build a customer base to boost your business. Even if you are still running ads for your products there are chances you are missing out on the fine details that make your ad stand out and perform exceptionally. We discuss some key strategies and pointers to lead the way for your ads.

1. Multi-Product Advertising
This kind of advertising helps you display a variety of your products in a single ad. This has several advantages compared to single product. It gives the customer a wider sense of the product range and makes it more likely for him to click on the ad. Chances are higher that a customer is attracted to any one of the products if not more, than seeing a single product. This type of ads boosts conversions by giving options to the consumer. It is seen that multi-product ads run by companies have yielded 300% more click-through-rates than conventional.

2. Retargeting Campaign
If you have ever been on an e-commerce site shopping, you know that you leave a majority of items left in the cart. The same thing happens with your customers too. Specifically, 72% of the online shoppers end up letting go off their cart without purchase. That is opportunities lost on your ads. If you can retarget your campaigns to go with your customer base, about 25% of the customers are seen to come back and make a purchase. Retarget with coupons, discounts and offers. Since the customers were already interested in the product, you just need to push them over the fence for the sale.

3. Creative catch
Catch phrases, bold colors and sometimes a black and white filter can work wonders for the type of project that you are working with. Depending on industry, there are phrases that give a high click-through rate. ‘Foods that naturally…’ sells well for food and dietician brands with 85% increase in CTR. For sports and athletics, ‘Ranking the Greatest ‘can generate a 61% higher CTR.‘Try not to’ or negative statements can also drive CTR better than those without.Black and white images drive more interest in general especially for education, deliver higher CTRs than colored filters and has been proved to boost CTR by 45%. Also omitting people from educational business ads can yield better CTR of almost 21% increase.

4. Video Advertisements
If you are advertising on Facebook, you should know that Facebook prioritizes video content. Meaning your ads would show up more if they were a video than image on the feed of your potential clients. Videos also have the advantage of being more engaging with users. Since Facebook videos play instantly as you scroll, it can grab attention easier.

5. Offers galore
There’s nothing that customers enjoy like promotions, offer or even better discounts. If you are selling a product, maybe slash the prices to attract customers or begin an offer that runs for the season. Keep customers interested by rebating prices or offering lower rates on bulk products. If you are a service provider, the same applies to you too where you can bring down the rates on a couple of services that you would like to promote.


Ads that stand out

Advertising is all about catching the eye. Ads, both online and offline use different strategies to make them pop to the consumer and make a lasting impression. But all ads need not be trying to sell the products. It is used to introduce a brand to an audience, launch a new product, update the new products to the audience that are already following the brand and keep things interesting and engaging at all times. Ads have been vital for brands to connect with their audience and sell products thereby. In case of online advertising, the objective is to get the customers attention to the brand or product with the post that is aired in the crowded digital platforms and then draws them towards the post copy where the details are elaborated. Your brand should not get lost in the noise of the digital jungle, so here are some tips to keep things interesting that make your audience come back for more.

1. Do the new
It is indisputable that standing out is key to advertising. Even for brands that are used to extravagant ads, your competitors are doing the same therefore it takes a twist to get the audience to notice you. The world is run by countless brands brainstorming to find the next out-of-the box, abstract idea. But at the end of the day, being original counts. A classic example is the Estee Lauder campaign from 1960 which was very revolutionary from that of other brands at that time. When everyone was chasing after colourful luxurious setups, they took a plunge and gave a sepia filter which raised a lot of criticism. But turned quite a few heads and generated almost 25% higher responses as compared to earlier ads.

2. Visual treat
The first thing that catches our eye is always the visual. The text comes after. Take this advantage and work with bold colors to attract the eye and the text can follow. Or even better, conveying ideas through a visual alone is powerful. Convey the core idea through a visual without using too many words or nothing at all.

3. Exaggerate for effect
Rather than plainly telling the audience about it, make the ad larger than life in a clever way so that you get the message across. The two factors here are getting the audience to notice your ad and eliciting an emotional response. You can use the help of a copy to give the message better clarity but for familiar brands with which people know their products, even which may not be necessary.

4. Play with the brain
Break the mundane and add some thought-provoking elements. Our brain is hardwired to predict things and solve puzzles. It is an evolutionary trait for us to anticipate the next step and thus quickly react. Thus when ads make you pause for a minute to get it, we make the effort to do it as a challenge. This, in turn, makes the ad more memorable and engaging. Foregoing the element of predictability and giving your audience something to ponder upon can be impactful. Use games, wordplay and everyday concepts with a missing element that can be fit in easily if you give it a thought.

5. The single message trick
Usually, to get more out of each post, we try to include the most details in. Although it may be effective, it might not work always. Sometimes, just highlighting a single catch-phrase or feature can work wonders. Minimalism can work to our advantage if used right. A lot of content in the ad can be very tiring to read and mentally challenging which would put off people’s attention quickly. Hook the audience with crisp content that would convey the message as well. There is also the benefit of the audience connecting with the product’s feature and remembering it while they are shopping.

If your ads need that extra oomph and lustre to stand out, get in touch with us at OnPageOne.


Breaking down, digital marketing of today.

Digital marketing is the advertising of today. You may have come across advertisements and campaigns when browsing through Facebook and Google most definitely, if not Instagram and Snapchat. They are a constant presence in the digital space yet a lot of businesses are reluctant to jump into cashing in on this ad space. Advertising agencies have shifted to the digital realm. You might either be still relying on traditional media like TV or hoardings or maybe you don’t realize the immense potential that social media has. With a fair share of people now active social media users, it’s high time companies accept the fact that their audience is here.

Why are companies going digital?

Two types of firms are generally present in a business scenario. The large and established companies with a fair share of investment can reap the benefits of digital marketing by investing in consistent advertising and increasing spend on their ads, experiment with new software and algorithms to boost sales and target the right audience. Smaller companies on the other hand, can gain a competitive edge by introducing themselves to a wider audience, making their presence known and promoting their work to reach potential clients.

Content engineering

An elevated engagement is a sure fire way to get to know that more people are interested and responding to your services. Personalized content that suits individual users or even to a specific area like Kerala or Kochi, help make it easier and likelier for customers to buy from you. By zeroing in on your niche audience base, you can divert more spending to reach the right people. Incoming traffic is converted to leads, subscribers and ad sales.


Affordability is a highlight of digital marketing unlike conventional advertisement that can break the bank while yielding lesser results. Each project is tailor made to suit best to the need, target, budget and platforms where they are advertised so that the client is still in control of where his money goes. This makes digital marketing a common space for companies of all spans.

Feedback mechanism

Only when you can evaluate if you are hitting your targets right is your strategies working. Traditional marketing techniques like billboards and newspaper ads do not provide data as to how many people actually, with intent looked into your ad. But social media marketing has analytic dashboards that give you feedback on how many clicks were registered, how many times the link was used.

It’s evident here that digital marketing is the future of brand presence. With digital marketing agencies at your service, your products and services can gain a higher population penetration and convert potential clients to sure customers in no time. If your company is on the lookout for digital marketing services or have a project that needs a little boost, get in touch with us.


2020 marketing is a whole new game

We are looking deep at the social media marketing trends that will help keep your marketing strategy up-to-date and effective in the year to come. Things are changing fast. Have you caught up?

Social media is now considered synonymous with digital marketing, going actively alongside digital campaigns. And therefore the strategies used are more or less similar for brands. But with such an explosion of content, and people’s habits changing, platforms evolving, and new platforms come into existence calls for new tricks to stay relevant.

Social media communities

A big part of social media interaction is meaningful and valuable experiences as a way for brands to engage with their audience. Some brands out there have seemingly large social media following yet, on a closer look at individual posts, reveal very low engagement levels. Brands that are seeing more engagement from their followers are doing so by building communities around their content.

Twitter chats fuel a strong sense of community through content, utilizing thought leaders from all areas together in a real-time conversation. It gives your brand the best opportunity to engage directly with current and potential customers.

Social Detox

It is estimated that there are now 3.484 billion social media users globally, with a 9% increase compared to last year. But with too much information around, people are now reducing their social media use with one in three adults in the UK going off socials. To adjust to this change In the future, brands need to push more towards making social media more private and secure for users since that factor is becoming a major concern.

Rather than investing completely on social media bucket, you need to ensure that enough budget and resource are also allocated to other channels, including email marketing and search engine marketing.

Influencers & word-of-mouth

With everyone an influencer, many types of influencers are no longer trusted by consumers. Big influencers can cost heavily for brands but they no longer have the impact that they used to because they are seen as sponsored. Now, 61% of consumers will trust the recommendations of friends and family over celebrities because they are more likely to be honest. Smaller influencers also tend to have better relationships with their followers, meaning they benefit from a higher level of trust and therefore more engagement at a lower cost, as well as increased trust in the brand.

Alternative platforms

Facebook, Twitter and Instagram tend to be the core platforms used by brands but LinkedIn is also being used extensively by companies today.

Although Twitter has seen growth this year, its active user numbers have fallen from an all-time high in 2017. Facebook too has seen a huge drop in users over the last two years.

One go-to social media platform that’s steadily on the rise is TikTok. It now has around 500 million monthly active users worldwide and registered more than 1.1 billion installs as of March 2019. Pinterest also fits well into the e-commerce space and serves ell for an audience that is engaged with the idea of buying products they see there. 75% of Pinterest users say they are “very interested” in new products compared to 55% of people on other social media platforms.

Customer service on Social media

Customer service has risen as a great selling point in the digital era. It is vital for customer service to be good, fast and reliable. Online, the customer service you offer is a lot more visible to everyone online. Stats show that 28% of consumers have used social media to communicate with a company last year, a trend on the rise since more than 30% said it is a convenient contact method and 23% believe it is a good way to get 24-hour service.

Stories on social

Since Snapchat, other social media platforms have taken the Stories format seriously. The result has been huge growth in the usage of this format, especially on Instagram. Stories offer a different experience because they are visual and designed to be both created and consumed in-the-moment. It is a platform for experimentation, tongue-in-cheek posts and fun, making them highly engaging, which is one of the reasons why Stories had a growth rate 15x than that of Feeds in 2017. Current, live updates and real-time content makes stories super interesting. Instagram Stories are therefore the most up-to-date content a business can offer a consumer.

The coming years calls for a major overhaul in digital marketing keeping the social media trends in mind. At OnPageOne, we utilize the best strategies to make your brand shine from the crowd.


Creating higher engagement on Facebook

It’s harder today to create an audience on Facebook since everyone is trying to optimize content for their audiences. Companies everywhere are fighting for customer attention and thereby sales. It takes an extra oomph for your creatives to make them stand apart to create a lasting audience or fan base.

1.Building Your Brand, the basics

The first step is to setup your page and establish your brand on platforms of interest by using your logo and sticking to your color palette through your posts. Speak about what your brand is, what your goals are and what you have to offer. Go for a logo that’s unique and stand outs from the rest. There should be a hint of your brand in all your content so that it strikes easily to customers from the swathe of posts.

2.Numbers matter

It’s a simple fact that the higher the number of posts that are pushed, there will be higher engagement. You need people to notice your work, keep following you and keep the social media engaging and interesting throughout. Some of the best pages on Facebook post dozens of times a day but number isn’t all, quality too is essential.

3. Facebook Stories are relevant

Storytelling is a very effective method to make your post ideas work with your fans. Relatable content is critical, be it the brand presence in a store or a production process showcased. Mix stories about your business and personal as well which will speak authenticity and get positive reactions from people. Also play with trending items that news feed algorithm favor will boost their appearance and keep your fans interested. By posting content around that are trending, you can open conversations with your fans by posing questions, commenting and conducting polls making things interesting.

4. Be Authentic

Take a different route and try not to push sale all the time but speak your mind. Shift the focus to your staff or work environment and the processes that you go through to make the product. Indulge your audience in some behind the scenes (BTH) which will add human touch to the brand. People are drawn to real photos and action rather than the polished ones. Incite reactions and opinion so that your audiences know they are involved in your production process. Post questions, fill-in-the-blanks, quizzes to draw quick reactions every time.

5. Challenges and contests

Get your fans hooked on selfie challenges and feature a lucky winner every once in a while. This makes the brand appear more personable and approachable for the normal audience. Audiences tend to engage and react strongly to this type of post. You can ask your fans questions, giving them a direct call to action to engage with your content! Include questions that are relevant to your target audience that you know they would want to answer in the comments on your post. This can boost posts in a jiffy.

6. Offer Promotions

Sometimes all it takes is a good sale or offer. Launch a promotion or incentive to customers. This can be seasonal or just to boost curiosity. Add a challenging element to it to give it more fuel. You can expect an increased number “shares” by sale or promo code.

You can also spotlight your fans and customers by posting about them. Testimonials are a great way to establish brand authenticity and good will and featuring customers will boost credibility and build a larger fan base. Most Facebook users love to get shootouts from a business, however small.

7. Post Product Photos

Take tutorial photos or the products in action. This will tell the crowd how it’s used and how different people are using it, making them more interesting and convert to potential customers! One of the most trending Facebook strategies is posting workspaces and the team. Just be sure that the palace is very clean & aesthetically pleasing. It gives people a glimpse of what you go through on a daily to make the product. Showcase you and bring out a glimpse the existing work culture and what your team does for fun

To conclude, taking the un-trodden path is the way to go to get more engagements. Authenticity is also gaining more importance these days with an avalanche of ads being flooded across to customers.


Key trends in digital marketing in 2021

Another year has sweeped in and it calls for some real game changers in the marketing strategy. The entire marketing landscape underwent a monumental change in the past one year, with digital marketing topping the list. Should brands rethink their marketing strategies or what are gonna be the key trends this year? Let’s take a look at some of the predictions.

The high tide of short form videos
Analytics tells us that the King of content that garnered maximum attention from people up until now in short form videos. Imposed to be sheltered indoors, short and catchy videos tipped the scale of digital content consumption. A generation Z individual has an average of 8 seconds of attention span, which brands are recommended to experiment creatively and communicate their purpose. With traditional shopping methods taking a backseat, people have flocked to online purchases and that too, social media based ones in particular.

Automation in marketing
No surprises here since the digital industry is evolving to a more sophisticated strata as the days go by. With brands having to analyse their data on more complicated terms with their growth, automating the marketing procedures based on customer behaviour and marketing trends assure a better ROI. In 2021, marketers shall be able to track leads better, convert better results and push more personal content to their customers.

Personalization of content
Gone are the times when mass marketing tactics like generic mail campaigns could revert results. Customers are unsubscribing from mass communication platforms in search of more personal and relevant ones. This implies that the content put forth should be able to strike a chord with the consumers on a more individual level. Machine learning shall up the game here to infuse a sense of personalisation to otherwise bland content. Apparently it can communicate with a very robust vocabulary and is skilled in language nuances or even in generating the right emotional element.

Well these are some of the likely changes for 2021 and digital marketing shall have to evolve to adapt to the changes to stay relevant to the trends in the market and likes of the customers. Although, rest assured that it shall be a year of immense digital engagement.
On that note, do reach out to us at if you’re looking for branding your business digitally and boosting your revenue through well strategized digital campaigns.


How to successfully drive your content based on search analytics

Regardless of the importance of generating quality content that is to be marketed to the target audience for maximum success of each content, experts have estimated that more than 80% of the content on the web receives little to no traction. So how do marketers ensure their content reaches the desired audience and ranks on top of search results? Let us look at some of the insights provided by analytics to get answers for the same.

Analyze the performance of your existing content in the market
Using tools easily available such as Google Analytics or Console, analyze the metrics of each piece of content you have namely, the impressions, clicks, search traffic to individual pages, time on-site, bounce rates, conversions etc. You can generate a performance score based on which you’ll know which content is performing and which needs work and as such reorganize and rework.

Analyzing topic clusters
Analyze the relevant cluster of topics around your main topics to understand the gaps in your content, add fresh insights to the existing content or to create and link to new landing pages for specific related topics. You can get an idea of relevant topic clusters by checking the ‘related searches’ page in Google.

Determine how you want to present your content
Gone are the days when one specific SEO strategy was practiced across all domains. Now one has to understand how to cater to the specific audience for each content. According to surveys, user searches like gym and fitness topics prefer a video format over text and similarly searches like home and furniture require an image presentation. So bear in mind what type of content presentation will work best for your target audience.

Observe what your competitors are posting
Explore and Evaluate the top performing content of your competitors to derive useful information on how to prioritise your own content and optimise accordingly. You can take the help of search tools to track and analyze the content on your website to give you a list of your top content competitors on Google and view content similar to yours and learn from them.

Update, update, update
Sometimes the task at hand is as simple as ensuring you keep updating existing content with the latest information to ensure it stays relevant within the times. You can even do a detox and remove pages that your analytics data shows to be poorly performing in terms of impressions and clicks or irrelevant to your business strategy.

Those are our top tips to remain connected to your audience aptly, at all times. Continually monitor and track the performance of your content and focus on constantly improving it if you are to achieve everlasting success.

If you’re looking to market your content effectively or grow your brand, reach out to OnPageOne as our experienced team shall draft adept strategies to launch your business to new dimensions, digitally.